Thursday, April 19, 2012

Assurance in the midst of doubt

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
-Jeremiah 29:11

Those sweet words are like honey water to my parched lips.

For days upon days I have felt like I have been in this, kind of like, spiritual drought.
Let me explain...

Have you ever had a hope for something in particular only to realize you may never get what you are hoping for?

That's where I am. I am standing in the barren desert with nothing but sand for miles.

I'm to a point in my walk that I must step out in pure faith and keep walking through this desert until I find His oasis and let let go of all that's behind me. I must completely take up my cross and follow Jesus daily, even when things don't seem to make sense. I must have the faith that being IN Christ warrants that He has my best interest at His wonderfully selfless, holy heart.

I must let go of any and all hope for desires that I may never see manifest. I am truly learning that people and the places we call home and circumstances, constantly change. But our LORD never changes; "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." - Heb 13:8

He is assurance amidst doubt.

When I feel like I may not be able to keep walking in this hot desert sun... when I feel like I may not be able to leave the past in the past... I re-read Jeremiah 29:11 and I realize that this is a promise from God that I can cling to and therefore it takes me from doubt, right back to hope, once again. Not in things seen but in the unseen and the unseen is where our Father dwells.

I've come to know, in the depths of my being that the only way I will be ready for the one whom God has for me, is to let go... and it's not easy. Nothing of value is ever easy and the only way I can face it, is head on, in the assurance that God's life giving Word brings.

My Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ will be with me through every seemingly bleak step and when I can't walk because of exhaustion or loss I may feel--  He will carry me. I will rejoice in the midst of my tears that God knows the plans He has for me.

I may be foolish but He is wise.
I may be sad, but His joy will come in the morning.
I may be fearful, but He vows that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
I may have doubt, but He is my assurance.

I may be in the middle of a drought, but He will come to me like Rain...

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