Friday, July 29, 2011

I will give you a new heart!

God says in Ezekiel 36:26 
I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; 
I will remove from you your heart of stone 
and give you a heart of flesh. 

Why wouldn't you want to seek him with all of your heart? 

Everything we are comes down to love, if we don't have love - we die. 

1 Corinthians 13
 1 If I could speak all the languages of earth and of angels, but didn’t love others, I would only be a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I had the gift of prophecy, and if I understood all of God’s secret plans and possessed all knowledge, and if I had such faith that I could move mountains, but didn’t love others, I would be nothing. 3 If I gave everything I have to the poor and even sacrificed my body, I could boast about it; but if I didn’t love others, I would have gained nothing.

God is love. 

We associate love with the heart because that's where we feel it so we might as well give him ours. 

What is the worst that can happen? You'll fall in love with your Creator? All you will want to do is worship Him? Be in His presence and be like Him everyday of your life? Become part of His holiness and grace...? Be transformed because where you are weak, He is strong and when we give ourselves to Him he strengthens and heals the parts of us we think are broken, hard and or shattered.  Or is the worst thing that could happen be that you are cleansed by His blood and made into a new person, with a new heart, and a new spirit.

I, being a child of God, don't consider these the worst that can happen... The worst that can happen is not seeking Him at all. Not giving Him your heart so that he has the opportunity to change it. The worst thing that can happen is never giving Him any opportunity at all. 

He's not going to beg and coerce you into love, just like we can't beg and coerce each other into love. 

People either love us for all we are and accept us for everything we've got and are made up of, or they don't. But when they make an honest effort to be in our lives, to learn things about us, and get to know us, we know that they are genuine, and we welcome them with open arms, because it's nice to love and be loved. It's not just nice, it's the best feeling and response we can give and get. 

That's how God feels; Our Creator is waiting for you to make a choice to give Him a chance. Once you do, you will not be sorry. He will heal you, He will make you stronger, He will forgive you and He will make you a new creation.  2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any person is [ingrafted] in Christ (the Messiah) he is a new creation (a new creature altogether); the old [previous moral and spiritual condition] has passed away. Behold, the fresh and new has come! (AMP)

Message me, if you want to know where to start.
My personal email address is
May you seek God, with your whole heart, just once in your life. 

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Never, never, never give up

I can honestly say I have witnessed a miracle because I didn't give up on a friend. There were times, because of his drug use, I thought he would die in my arms or next to me as we slept.
I never knew if I would wake up the next day and find him dead.

But in all actuality he really was dead; for the wages of sin is death. Romans 6:23

I prayed to the God I thought I knew, over and over and finally one beautiful day the God of  "Before Abraham was - I AM" answered.

I will explain the miracle that is Timmy but before I do that, I would like to Share a journal entry of mine from a little over 3 years ago: names are changed to protect the innocent, but Timmy's name won't change -- He is the miracle in the story after-all.
This journal entry of mine is very personal but I have found that when you share personal things with the people of the world, they feel closer to you and sometimes, they even relate.

These words are my diary screaming out loud.- anna nalick

Dear Stars,                                 2/28/08

I've been wondering since I met Timmy; why he came into my life -- Why did I attract him to me? 

Tonight - I saw the stark realization of that question being answered.

I found out whole-heartedly that Timmy is in my life because he is just as broken as I am. 

The only thing both of us ever wanted is forgiveness. 

I want my ex to forgive me. I just want him to say "Annie, you are a fellow human being - you hurt me - but I forgive you." Just as Timmy wants his wife to forgive him. We broke ourselves and want someone that loves us to put us back together.

I believe I have forgiven myself... I know what I have done. I have lived with this pain since I self sabotaged myself and killed the very thing I loved more than anything - yet the pain hasn't gone away. Maybe I don't know how to forgive myself.

This loss and pain has molded every step I have taken since the day I gave myself to another man. As soon as I did -- guilt set in. Self hatred, self torture, realizing how rotten I really was to the core of my being. How could I ever look him in the eyes again? I never looked at him innocently again. They way I did when we first fell in love. 

I proved to him, myself, and the world that I didn't deserve his sweet hearted love. Even now proves it - I didn't. 

Why, when and where was it that I realized that I didn't deserve love? Because I don't know and I can't place it. Is it my father I need to forgive? How far back does this chain go? Is it my grandfather? My great grandfather? Where does this "you are not lovable" cycle start? 

And not just that -- more importantly -- where does it end? With me? How do I change this?

God, I need your help.
I have freewill - my soul is begging you for guidance -
How do I get to forgiveness?
Or, how do I get past the forgiveness that may very well never come?

These questions are the root of it all. The root of my ever winding - upward - downward - spiral.

I give thanks and gratitude in advance for you giving me these answers - whether it be in life circumstances. events or any other outlet to which you - Almighty Power - comes from.

I am also, so grateful for Timmy. He is broken, but I can see his light... maybe his light is what I know I also have in myself - because honestly - that light in me left. But to have Timmy here, knowing, understanding and loving me as much as a broken shell possible can, helps. 
God, may you give us both forgiveness. 
- Annie

Now when I say, the Lord listens to every prayer, I mean it.  He not only listens when we cry out to Him he keeps our tears in a bottle. He will answer in seconds, days, weeks, months or in this case years, but he does answer. 

With Timmy things got worse at first, not better. He became not only a broken shell in my presence, but also a heroin addict. He was shooting up at all times of the day and night and then he would try to get off of it, and the sickness would take him for days. I was with him through it almost every time, so he knew someone cared, someone was by his side. I stood loyally by my friend because I knew that light inside him, it was getting dimmer but it was still there. I recognized it from when I was a little girl. You see, back then, I knew Jesus. I had that childlike faith. Timmy did too when he was a little boy, but the darkness of the world had taken Jesus light inside us and put massive amounts of darkness around it. Our hearts were so hardened, we didn't see anything outside of ourselves and our own selfish pain.

All of that has changed now --  I have never seen the Lord make a miracle out of a life like I've seen Him breath life into Timothy's. He is now a slave to Christ and has been clean for almost 18 months. He and I both found the Lord since this journal entry and because of finding the Lord, we found the light that was inside of us and today this Jesus light shines brighter than I would have ever imagined.

Oh and forgiveness?! Yeah that came in His wounds. It actually started all the way back with Adam and it ended on a cross where Jesus died for all of the rotten, hardened hearts, and unforgiving people, all the sin in this world that makes it dark and negative. Now we live life forgiven and with much hope.

I can't wait to see what God does next for both of us.

There is a time for every season and Timmy and I parted ways some time ago. It wasn't as if I gave up on him, I just let God have him, as God needed to save me too. We are apart physically but spiritually we are connected through our Father who art in heaven. I hope and pray for the peace love and joy of one of my dearest friends and that we should be reunited someday in God's perfect timing, and not a second sooner.

I am so glad, from the bottom of my shiny new heart, that I never, never, never gave up.

I've been with you through every hurt and every tear -- in fact I keep every tear you've cried -- That's how much i love you. Now I am just waiting for the day you realize this and love me too. - God
Psalm 56:8Thou tellest my wanderings: put thou my tears into thy bottle: are they not in thy book?

Love casteth out Fear


You are my great redeemer.
I am stricken with utmost gratitude for your actions based in LOVE.
I fully comprehend and understand what you did for me.
In your wounds I am healed.
The gift you so freely give through the center of your Grace.
The gift of eternal life and sin covered by your undeserved mercy.
There is truly none like you.
Love is a verb in you; the greatest love known to mankind, ever.
I have waited my whole life to know a love like this.
I weep tears of joy in your presence.
I laugh with angels for your glory.
I sing to you songs of praises straight from my heart.
My Rock, My Friend, My Husband, My Lord, My Savior.
I pray and meditate tonight on your word.
Make the reflections of my heart always come from you.
I lay my life down, so that you may pick it up.
I adore you my wonderful counselor full of all wisdom and knowledge.
Take my life; my all.
Thank you for your great love.
Jesus - Truth in each circumstance.

-Yours for eternity

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Friendship and Love

May the Lord make your love increase and overflow 
for each other and for everyone else.
1 Thessalonians 3:12

 Father of heavenly lights,
I praise you and thank you for my friends. 
I am honored by my old friends and thankful for my new ones.
I trust that you bring the right people into my life at all times.

You are my Rock and Redeemer.

I will tell everyone...
... of your love. 

Jesus. Your love is like no other. 
Completely Selfless. 
I ask Lord that you help me to think less of myself
  Think more for others
As my brother Jesus did. 

I know through you, I can do anything.

The glory belongs only to you. 
I love you Father of Heavenly Lights. 
I praise you in the highest. 

Prayer from the heart

Psalm 62:8 Trust in Him at all times, you people; Pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us.

My Lord, My redeemer,
I long to hear my lover call out to me these words:

Song of Solomon 4:9
9 You have stolen my heart, my sister, my bride;
   you have stolen my heart.

I humbly ask that you make my lover known to me soon. 
That each step I take, is closer to him and he to I.
Your Grace is sufficient.
Yet I await a time that he and I can share in your grace together. 
That he may love you as much as I do.
That we may find comfort in your promises together and expose your love to the world as a strong pair you have equally yoked.

 In the name of your most Holy Son, Jesus Christ, I do pray.

My Lord,
I lift my voice of praises before you.
O' Hear my prayer.
I trust in you alone.
In Christ Alone.

 I know you have my best interest at heart.
Your heart is full of love for me and all those that know you.
I praise your holiness and take refuge and comfort under your graceful wing.

b r o k e n

Isaiah 54:4-5
4 “Do not be afraid; you will not be put to shame.
Do not fear disgrace; you will not be humiliated.
You will forget the shame of your youth
and remember no more the reproach of your widowhood.
5 For your Maker is your husband—
the LORD Almighty is his name—
the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer;
he is called the God of all the earth.