Saturday, October 8, 2011

Put on the full armor of God

Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.
1 Peter 5:8

Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.
Ephesians 6:13 

I personally put on the Full Armor of God  - EVERYDAY -

While I am on my way to work I say this prayer: Father God, I ask you for your full armor. I ask for your belt of truth, that I may stand in your truth all day and stand strong in you and the truth you encompass. 

I, likewise, ask for your breastplate of righteousness, that my heart and internal organs may be protected from the evil one. You promised me a new heart and I ask that the new heart you put within my chest, pumps my blood and helps to filter anything from the evil one that may be in me and cause me physical pain, or heart and organ deterioration. I ask that your breastplate protect me from any and all bodily harm and protect my heart from any and all negative emotions, that are not from you. 

I also ask for the helmet of salvation to protect my mind from the evil one and his kingdom, that thoughts, not coming from you, will not enter my mind. I ask that my mind is constantly renewed as you promise in your word and protected all day by your helmet.

I also ask Lord, that you bind my feet in the preparedness of the gospel of peace and that I may may spread the good news throughout my day and that I may go where you want me to go, if you lead me to go left; I go left. If you lead me to go right; I go right. 

I also ask Lord that you honor me with the ONLY weapon forged against my enemies; the Sword of the Spirit. Your perfect word, Lord God. That I may have your word always at the front of my mind and the tip of my tongue and that your Holy Spirit speak for me, when I cannot find the words.

I also ask Lord, for the Shield of Faith that may extinguish ALL flaming arrows, coming from the evil one and his kingdom.  I know that Faith is the most important part of trusting you Lord so your Shield of Faith will protect me from all doubts.

Finally Lord I ask for a hedge of protection around me and legions of Waring Angels to surround me and fight off all attempts of the evil one all through out the day, everywhere I go. I ask Lord, as I know in your word you prepared the way for Moses and I ask Lord that you go before me today, prepare my way. That my hands be your hands, my feet be your feet, that all of your will is infused in everything I do  and every step I take. By the Blood of the Lamb I pray these things and In the name of your Holy Son Jesus. Amen. 

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, 
against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world 
and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
-Eph 6:12